Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Beautiful Tuesday

What a beautiful day....sunny and 70!  It feels like the perfect time for a beautiful post!  This actually should have been written a month ago when I got my hair cut (maybe a procrastinating blogger isn't the ideal combination), but better late than never, right?!

Pantene has a program called "Beautiful Lenghts" that provides wigs made from donated hair to women undergoing cancer treatment.  It's similiar to Locks of Love, except they provide wigs to children suffering from hair loss. 

Anyway, my hair was pretty long and was starting to get to the point that washing, combing, and then "doing something" with it was a daunting task.  So, naturally I started pinning sassy short hair cuts on Pinterest.  Then, I heard a sermon at church about hoarding....how we shouldn't hoard our love, our posessions, our money, etc.  I kept thinking about how my long annoying hair could be another woman's beautiful wig of confidence.  I shouldn't hoard it! 

I made the appointment, I got the cut, and I mailed my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.

Here's my new do!

And, here I am a month later (procrastinator, remember?!) about to mail in my 12 inch ponytail!

As a woman who has suffered from cancer, I hope my donation is able to ease someone else's pain and make them feel normal & beautiful during a time that can seem so ugly and lonely.

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