Thursday, March 7, 2013

Adoption: To the Pregnant, to the Birth Mamas...

Sometimes, when I'm having a hard day during this "waiting" phase of our adoption, I find myself on our adoption agency website (American Adoptions).  I browse through the Domestic Adoption Situations... in case there's something calling to me (usually these special circumstances are way over our budget), then I will look through the other Waiting Families...sizing up our competition I guess.  I will look at our family's profile, wishing I would have said something different, used a different picture, worn cooler clothes or gotten a trendier haircut.  Although I know none of these things will shorten our wait, they help me get through the hard days.  While Willie naps, I obsess about the baby we are longing for.  The baby we are praying for, even though we don't even know if it has a heartbeat yet.

So yesterday, was one of those days.  As I was browsing American Adoptions, I came across a video aimed towards women considering adoption.  I started watching it, and was shocked at what I saw!  The pregnant woman in the video clicked on OUR faces as she scrolled through profiles!  Then, I saw us...with Willie...twirling him on the beach.  And, at the end, a close-up of Willie!  I couldn't believe it!  They used footage from our profile for this promotional ad!  

During those hard days, aside from obsessing on the internet, I write in my adoption journal, and I pray.  It never fails, when I'm feeling really down and discouraged, as if we will never connect with a birth mom and never raise another baby, God gives me a little hope.  Just a glimpse, something to hold on to, urging me to keep the faith. 

So, there it is!  I am so excited that we are part of this wonderful message!  But, as I watched this, it also reminded me of how hard this decision is for birth moms.  

To you, dear birth mother:

I have no idea what you are going through.  What a wonderful, loving woman you are to consider adoption for your unborn child.  I don't know how to give you peace, or how to comfort you as you struggle with so many choices.  However, I can tell you about the only thing I know...Love...

This child may be born with your beautiful eyes...I will make sure he sees the world without judgement.

This child may have your long fingers, your strong hands...I will teach her to use them to help the needy.

This child may have your smile, your lips, your dimple...I will help them change the world through their speech.

This child will have your genetics, your heart, your lungs, your mind...together, through your love and our love, this precious baby will grow strong and humble, spreading love, kindness and forgiveness.

To view our family profile, please visit American Adoptions by clicking here.

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