Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sugar high Saturday

This morning we took Willie to his first Easter egg hunt!  We walked downtown to the park, where there were lots of kids and lots of "hidden" eggs.  By hidden, I mean they were just sitting on the grass, haha.  Anyway, there was a special section for kids age 3 and under.  Willie knew exactly what he was supposed to do, and was patiently waiting for the countdown!



Needless to say, Willie was very proud and protective (what 2 yr old isn't!?) of his eggs.  When we got home he opened all the eggs, took out all the candy (ate more than he should have) and carried it around in his lunch box...All. Day.

He had to have his candy on the pillow next to him when he took a nap.  Brad and I removed it while he was sleeping, and put it away for a while.  The first thing he said when he woke up was, "where candy go?!", and subsequently started crying.  He was obsessed!  So, thank you Easter Bunny, because the rest of our Saturday was a complete disaster...ruled by the lunchbox full of candy and a hysterical-sugar-high 2 year old.  Maybe next year the town should consider filling the eggs with baby carrots. ;)

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